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The Products
Haematology Analyzers
Abacus A380 Haematology Analyzer
Abacus 5 Haematology Analyzer
Haematology Reagents
ESR Analyzers
IRIA ESR Analyzer
Vacused ESR Rack
Haematology Controls
Haemoglobin Readers
Hemochroma Hemoglobin Meter
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical Chemistry Analyzers
RT 9200 Semi Auto Chemistry Analyzer
Core Fully Auto Chemistry
Alcor Chemistry Analyzer
Cromatest Clinical Chemistry Reagents
miniBIO SMT 120 Dry Chemistry Analyzer
ST-200 Pro ISE Electrolyte Analyzer
CareSens N Blood Glucose Meters
Clinical Immunology
POCT Immunoassay Readers
i-Chroma II Immunoassay Reader
i-Chroma III Immunoassay Reader
i-Chroma immunoassay Reagents
Cardiac Biomarkers
i-Chroma CK-MB
i-Chroma D-Dimer
i-Chroma hsCRP
i-Chroma Myoglobin
i-Chroma NT-proBNP
i-Chroma Troponin I
Diabetic Biomarkers
i-Chroma HbA1c test kit
i-Chroma Micro albumin (MAU)
i-Chroma Cystatin C
Cardiac Biomarkers
i-Chroma AFP
Humasis PSA
i-Chroma PSA
i-Chroma CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen)
i-Chroma iFOB Neo
Hormone Biomarkers
i-Chroma TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
i-Chroma T3 (3,5,3′ Triiodothyronine)
i-Chroma T4 (Thyroxine)
i-Chroma FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone)
i-Chroma LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
i-Chroma Progesterone
i-Chroma Testosterone
i-Chroma Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH)
i-Chroma Prolactin
i-Chroma Cortisol
Infection Biomarkers
i-Chroma CRP
i-Chroma PCT
i-Chroma ASO
Infectious Diseases Biomarkers
i-Chroma HBsAg
i-Chroma Anti-HCV
Rheumatoid Arthritis Parameters
i-Chroma RF IgM
i-Chroma Anti-CCP
Other Clinical Biomarkers
i-Chroma Ferritin
i-Chroma Vitamin D
Critical Care
Edan i15 Blood Gas and Chemistry Analyzer
Edan i15 Blood Gas Controls
Edan i15 Blood Gas Reagents
Arterial Blood Gas Syringes
QLabs POCT PT/INR Eletrometer
RT 2201C Coagulation Analyzer
Coagulation Reagents and Controls
Micropoint POCT PT/INR Strips
Micropoint POCT APTT Strips
Rapid Strips
Humasis Urinalysis Strips
Humasis HBsAg Test
Humasis HCV Test
Humasis H. Pylori Antibody Test
Humasis Malaria Pf / Pan Antigen Test
Humasis Dengue NS1 Ag / IgG/IgM (Combo) Test
Humasis Rota Adeno Test
Humasis FOB Test
Humasis PSA Test
Clinical Lab Academy
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Product categories
Clinical Chemistry
Clinical Immunology
Critical Care
General Laboratory Accessories
i-Chroma III Immunoassay Reader
Immunoassy Reagents
POCT Immunoassay Readers
Rapid Strips
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Product Categories
Critical Care
Blood Gas Reagents
Blood Gas Controls
Blood Gas Analyzer
Rapid Strips
Haemoglobin Readers
ESR Analyzers
Immuno haematology Reagents
Haematology Analyzer Reagents
Haematology Analyzers
Haematology Controls
Coagulation Reagents
Coagulation Analyzers
Clinical Immunology
i-Chroma II Immunoassay Reader
i-Chroma II Reader Parameters
Cardiac Parameters
Infectious Diseases Parameters
Gastrointestinal Parameters
Rheumatoid Arthritis Parameters
Tumour Parameters
Diabetic Parameters
Hormone Parameters
Infection Parameters
General Laboratory Accessories
Blood Collection Tubes
Vein Probe
Laboratory Incubators
Laboratory Disposables
Laboratory Water Baths
POCT Immunoassay Readers
Immunoassy Reagents
i-Chroma III Immunoassay Reader
Blood Glucose Meters
Clinical Chemistry Analyzers
Clinical Chemistry Reagents
ISE Electrolyte Analyzer
Related Products
Arterial Gas Syringes
RT 9200 Semi Auto Chemistry Analyzer
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Product Tags
Biotec Anti-B/ Grouping Antisera
Biotec Anti-D/ Rhesus Grouping
Biotec Anti-Human Globulin
Biotec Bovine Albumin
CareSens N Blood Glucose Meters
Cromatest APTT Reagent
Cromatest Liquid Chemistry Reagents / Clinical Chemistry Reagents
Cromatest PT-HS Reagent
ESR Analyzer/ Automatic ESR Aanalyzer
FOB/ Colon Cancer
Haematology Analyzer/ 5-Part cheap haematology Analyzer/ Simple Haematology Analyzer/H50 Haematology Analyzer
Hematology Reagents
Humasis / PSA
Humasis / Rota Adeno Test
Humasis HBsAg Test Devices / Hepatitis B strips
Humasis HCV Test/ Hepatitis C Virus strips
Humasis Malaria Pf/Pan Antigen Test/ RTD Malaria
i-Chroma Anti-CCP
i-Chroma ASO
i-Chroma CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen)
i-Chroma Cortisol
i-Chroma CRP/ C-Reactive Protein/ Infection Markers
i-Chroma D-Dimer
i-Chroma Ferritin
i-Chroma FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone)/ FSH
i-Chroma HbA1c test kit/ HbA1c/ glycosylated hemoglobin
i-Chroma hCG/Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
i-Chroma II Immunoassay Reader/ i-Chroma Reader/ POCT immunoassay/Microbiology E.A.Ltd/ Point of Care Testing/ i-Chroma 2 Analyzer
i-Chroma Influenza A + B
i-Chroma LH (Luteinizing Hormone)
i-Chroma Micro albumin (MAU)
i-Chroma Myoglobin/ Cardiac Markers
i-Chroma NT-proBNP/ Cardiac Markers
i-Chroma PCT/ Procalcitonin Test/ Sepsis Test
Laboratory Incubator
Laboratory Water Bath
Micropoint POCT APTT Strips
Micropoint POCT PT/INR Strips
QLabs POCT PT/INR Eletrometer/ Micropoint Prothrombin Time Analyzer
RT 2201C Coagulation Analyzer
RT 9200 Semi-Auto Chemistry Analyzer
SMT 120 Dry Chemistry Analyzer
ST-200 Pro ISE Electrolyte Analyzer / Electrolyte Analyzer / Long Lasting electrodes
Urinalysis Strips
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